Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things I wish I Had Known Before I Was 21

These are thoughts and reflections a man of full, ripe years gives to the younger generation:

I wish I had known what I was going to do for a living, and what my life work would be.

I wish I had known that my health after thirty was largely dependant on how I treated my body before I was twenty-one

I wish I had known how to take care of my money

I wish I had known that a man's habits are mighty hard to change after twenty-one

I wish I had known that the harvest depends so much on the seeds sown

I wish I had known the world will give me just about what I deserved

I wish I had known you cannont get something for nothing

I wish I had known the folly of not taking the advise of older and wiser people

I wish I had known that Dad wasn't such an old fogey after all

I wish I had known that everything Mother wanted me to do was right.

I wish I had known the value of serving a fellowman

I wish I had known that there is no better excercise for the heart than reaching down and helping people up

I wish I had known that the "sweat of my brow" would earn my bread

I wish I had known that a thorough education brings the best of everything else

I wish I had known that honesty is the only policy, not in dealing with my neighbors, but also with myself and God

I wish I had known the value of truthfulness in all things

Remember, life is a mirror which will reflect back to you what you think into it.

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