"Emerson once made this meaningful statement: ‘Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is to you.’ How true! What wise counsel! We cannot get away from ourselves. We must continue to live with ourselves, and what we do every day and how we respond to life determines the kind of YOU we are going to be and live with and how successful and happy we will be with the YOU we are.”
~N. Eldon Tanner, Ensign, Feb. 1976
Naturally as human beings, we can't be perfect. We can, however, be the best we can be. Emerson and Tanner said it SO clearly! There is only so much we are able to accomplish and become in this life. If we be the best we can be, do the best we can do, and follow Christ to constantly become closer to Him, He will provide the rest. Everyone naturally wants the best in life, or wants to get the most out of it that they can. The only true way to do that is to give our best. Some might say that instead they'll give only the minimum required and/or cheat their way through the rest. That can only go so far and will end up far from the desired destination.
Make the most of yourself. Make the most of your life. Be all that you can be. You are a son or daughter of our Heavenly Father who loves you now, always will, and is always ready and willing to help you if you will ask with a sincere heart and real intent. Always.
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