About 27 hours ago, I walked away after watching a family's home burn down. I never knew who lived there, but I felt a deep love and care for them. It made me take a minute...several actually...and think of how blessed I am. A FAMILY, a home, a job, food, clothes, and most importantly, The Gospel. No matter what happens to our worldy things, we will never lose the wonderful, true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Now, I don't know what it is with me and fires lately, but tonight while I was waiting for the laundry, I put in a movie my mom had picked up from the library. FIRE PROOF. Extreme summary: A husband and wife, married for about 7 years, are on the verge of a divorce. The wife feels hated and unloved, the husband feel disrespected and poorly cared for. The husband talks to his dad about it all and the dad gives him a book--a journal--he'd written years ago. He calls it "The Love Dare". There are 40 pages, one for each day, which the son/husband reads and follows the written instructions of. They start small; day one telling him to only say positive things to his wife. Hold his tongue when urged to shout or say anything negative. It continues for 40 days with each day adding one more thing to the list. Eventually it changes them; their hearts are open to search for the positive things in eachother, and love eachother for who they are instead of criticizing and judging for what/who they are not. They also recognize weaknesses in themselves and learn to accept that they aren't perfect and open up for learning and improvement. They learn to love and help eachother through better and worse. They create a relationship between themselves which is "Fire Proof" from the fires of the world and of hatred.
I guess that wasn't the most Simple "Simplification" haha but the main point of it is that each of us need to be "fire proof" from the fires of the world. We need to have a fire proof relationship with Christ; safe from the fires of the advasary. We must be humble, realize we aren't perfect, open to accept and learn more. We need to be willing to make sacrifices of simply worldly things in our lives in order to come closer to Christ and have our minds and hearts open to Him.
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