This blog is just to share my joy from my everyday experiences, simple thoughts, or just small lessons learned, of seeing the light of Christ throughout life despite everyday trials and hardships.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Fire Proof

About 27 hours ago, I walked away after watching a family's home burn down. I never knew who lived there, but I felt a deep love and care for them. It made me take a minute...several actually...and think of how blessed I am. A FAMILY, a home, a job, food, clothes, and most importantly, The Gospel. No matter what happens to our worldy things, we will never lose the wonderful, true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Now, I don't know what it is with me and fires lately, but tonight while I was waiting for the laundry, I put in a movie my mom had picked up from the library. FIRE PROOF. Extreme summary: A husband and wife, married for about 7 years, are on the verge of a divorce. The wife feels hated and unloved, the husband feel disrespected and poorly cared for. The husband talks to his dad about it all and the dad gives him a book--a journal--he'd written years ago. He calls it "The Love Dare". There are 40 pages, one for each day, which the son/husband reads and follows the written instructions of. They start small; day one telling him to only say positive things to his wife. Hold his tongue when urged to shout or say anything negative. It continues for 40 days with each day adding one more thing to the list. Eventually it changes them; their hearts are open to search for the positive things in eachother, and love eachother for who they are instead of criticizing and judging for what/who they are not. They also recognize weaknesses in themselves and learn to accept that they aren't perfect and open up for learning and improvement. They learn to love and help eachother through better and worse. They create a relationship between themselves which is "Fire Proof" from the fires of the world and of hatred.
I guess that wasn't the most Simple "Simplification" haha but the main point of it is that each of us need to be "fire proof" from the fires of the world. We need to have a fire proof relationship with Christ; safe from the fires of the advasary. We must be humble, realize we aren't perfect, open to accept and learn more. We need to be willing to make sacrifices of simply worldly things in our lives in order to come closer to Christ and have our minds and hearts open to Him.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Polaroid Snapshot Moments

My current job is a lifeguard at a couple public pools, and my favorite part of the job is to just sit and watch the kids having so much fun. Some days I wish I could just go around with a Polaroid Camera and capture every one of the amazing snapshot moments for the parents. Little children are so amazing! They're each beautiful, amazing, wonderful blessings in our lives! How often do parents have time to really just sit back and watch their little kids have so much fun? So many times I catch myself just sitting back and day dreaming of being a mother and having my own little blessings. For now though, this will do. :) Wow, I'm lucky to have such an awesome job! haha.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
"...I DO know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day." ~Alma 36:3
There are so many things we each go through in our lives which can only be overcome if we push forward with faith in Christ. I often wonder--with a full heart of amazement and gratitude--how the pioneers were able to go through all they did! It's really hard for me to even imagine! So, if they were able to stay faithful and strong through all their hardships and trials, why can't I? Why can't we? Every one of them, every one of us, is a son or daughter of the same wonderful Father in Heaven who loves us more than we could ever imagine! He is a Father who will ALWAYS have His hand out to help us.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Footprints In The Sand

Footprints in the Sand
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?”
The Lord replied,
“The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you.”
No matter where you are in life, you are never alone. Christ is with you always. This poem has always been one of my favorites, and it portrays such a wonderful message...though I, personally, would make a little change. Even in the times when things don't seem too difficult, Christ is never just walking by your side; I believe He is carrying you Every Step of the Way!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Remember who you are
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tuesday, June 01
Stress is one of those things that pretty much everyone is familiar with. Today I got a last minute load of stress. I tried to clear up as much as i could, and was looking at the remaining load trying to figure out what to do...and had a thought to go read something from my homepage; I clicked on the first talk i saw and found what I needed for today after just a couple paragraphs.
"To live greatly, we must develop the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and triumph with humility. You ask, “How might we achieve these goals?” I answer, “By gaining a true perspective of who we really are!” We are sons and daughters of a living God, in whose image we have been created. Think of that: created in the image of God. We cannot sincerely hold this conviction without experiencing a profound new sense of strength and power."
~Liahona » 2010 » June
Canaries with Gray on Their Wings
By President Thomas S. Monson
"...we must develop the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and triumph with humility." and the wonderful reminder that I, You, We, are sons and daughters of a living God. He is our father. No matter where we are in life, if we turn to Him and ask with a sincere heart for forgiveness or simply for help in our daily struggles, His arms are open and will embrace us with pure love. We are His children and if we do ask and do all we can, He, in return, will do all He can for us.
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