YEsterday Jocelyn got baptized and confirmed :) It was a wonderful time! Then, this morning just she and I were awake so we were having our wonderful "sisterly-bonding" time haha.
I said, "So Jocelyn, what did you think about yesterday? What was neat about it?"
Jocelyn: "Well, I got baptized, but that didn't really feel any different. just wet. But then when I got confirmed...I felt this wierd tingly warm feeling in my chest!"
"Ah! That was the spirit."
"Oh that's what it feels like!"
Anyway, it was so neat that she physically felt and recognized that difference.
Later in the day I was telling this to my mom and this is what my mom said. My grandpa had been the one giving the confirmation blessing. He told us that when he said "recieve the gift of the holy ghost" he litterally felt the spirit move through his entire body, out of his fingertips and into Jocelyn. It was amazing.
I told jocelyn to write down exactly what she had told me so that she could always look back and never forget what she felt that day. I hope and pray that she will remember it in her heart, remember how peacefull she felt, and have a strong enough desire to do what she needs to do to keep that spirit with her at all times! I hope and pray that everyone--every person--could have a moment like Jocelyn's where they recognize that difference. That feeling of comfort, and also strive to live worthy of its companionship.